Friday, 26 July 2013

3 Digital Citizenship 20130726 Who's Interested in ME ?

Websites are collecting your personal data online and use it for various reasons.
What are their motives?

Watch the following video and reflect on the underlying issues.
Are you aware?


  1. The internet is a very powerful tool but if you use it wrongly, it might be used against you. Just like a double sided sword. One can find out about a persons life just from the internet and also ruin it. So we must be vigilant and not post our confidential information that might be used against us.

  2. We learnt not to post too much about our personal life online as it is public and everybody can see it. It will always be online and people may use it to threaten you and blackmail you.

  3. They can use all your personal data against you. (E.g pretending to be someone, threatening you with your loved ones or asking for personal information like your bank account number)

    -Nehal & Myat Noe :D

  4. We should not put personal information online, as people can access it, and may be used against us.

  5. We should be careful about what we post online because our entire life can be found on the internet and it cannot be erased, even secrets or personal stuff. We should remain vigilant as the information can be used against us in the future. Think before we post anything.

  6. We shouldn't post sensitive information about ourselves cause it could be used against us if we are not very careful of what we post about ourselves on the internet.

  7. Whatever we post will stay with us forever. We should not post every single detail of our life.
    So we must have constant vigilance and be wary of everything that is around us.
    ~Timothy & Sabrina

  8. Anything that you do on the Internet can be seen by anyone, so it is important not to reveal personal information on it as it can be used against you.

  9. Whatever we post online, can be used against us in the future, or now. People can blackmail us with the information they have about us or, they can steal money or other stuff from us.

    ~Bryan Goh & Kimberly~

  10. Whatever posted on the internet no matter the effort put in to remove it and people on the internet might use this information to do harm to you. We have to be careful on what we post on the internet as it can because against us if this information falls to the wrong hands.

  11. We have to be careful whenever we use the internet as nothing online can be kept a secret. We have to be aware of what we are posting online as they can never be removed from the internet. Some people may find such information and thus use this information against us.
    ~Xueqin and Yuhin
